Daniel Skoroś

Front end developer from Gdynia


Tech stack

Big projects

Teddy and Freddy preview

Teddy and Freddy

A full stack MERN online store with plushies, blankets and pillows. This project is not finished, see GitHub README for more information.

Smaller projects

Blackjack game


Classic card game.
Created to better understand AI and turned based gameplay using module pattern.
AI decides what to do based on user score, cards played and his score and always tries to win.

WeCreate preview

Memory game

Helped me understand code splitting, using classes with ES6 and basic game mechanics.
Code is splitted into deck, game mechanics and gameUI classes.

WeCreate preview

Movie search app

Using IMDB database
The main goal was to learn how to setup React with Context API, ditch classes and learn hooks. This app was also created to better understand component testing in JavaScript.


GoHub preview


PSD to HTML company site.
Note: mobile version of the PSD was not provided. Desktop version only right now.

WeCreate preview


PSD to HTML site. Design was created by the awwwesomes. Mobile version available